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View full profileBgp bestpath as−path ignore This command, if configured, skips this rule Each cluster contains a reflector and its client Traffic share 1 In order to improve processing efficiency, the data frames inside the switch are always tagged with VLAN tags and processed in a unified manner. When a data frame enters the switch port,ccnp switch dumps 2019, if there is no VLAN tag and the port is configured with PVID ( Port VLAN ID ), the data frame will be marked with the PVID of the port . If the data frame has been with the VLAN the Tag , then, even if the port has been configured with the PVID , the switch does not give the data frame marks the VLAN the Tag .
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Certification Provider: Cisco
Certification Exam Name:CCNP Routing and Switching
Update Date: Mar 09,2025
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