PASSHOT CCIE Service Provider v5.0 lab exam material includes:
DIAG: DIAG (2 sets)
Cisco Exam Cost: CCIE Lab and Practical Exam(s) are $1,600 USD per attempt.
PASSHOT has successfully helped thousands of students pass the exam at one time. We avoid wasting more money.The pass rate is as high as 98%
Choose PASSHOT CCIE SP Lab study materials, we offer 180 days service time for our CCIE SP Lab candidates. If you practice CCIE SP Lab materials 3 hours per day. Tutors and services will assist you along with the whole preparation. Every module we do provide workbooks, solutions, and videos tutorial. You can watch videos firstly and practice lab materials later.
CCIE SP Lab Study Plan
Step 1: 17 days to practice Configuration module(CFG1)and 5 days to review all sections.
Step 2: 17 days to practice Configuration module(CFG2)and 5 days to review all sections.
Step 3: 10 days to practice Troubleshooting module (TS1 TS2 TS3 TS4)
Step 4: 3 days to practice Diagnostic module (DIAG1, DIAG1+)
Step 5: 9 days to review all tasks.

1. What if the exam becomes unstable during my study?
We will update the free charge of the latest material for you as soon as possible after the change. Your service time will start from our stable date again.
2. Can I use remote rack for learning?
Of course, we will provide you with remote rack for your study. You won't have to worry about whether your PC is underperforming, you'll just have to keep your network up and running.
3. What operating systems are supported?
Answer: Windows/Mac
4. Is the rack environment the same as the test environment?
Answer: Sure. It’s also the secret that we students can pass the exam all at once.
Product Reviews * The most recent comment are at the top
Vito 2020-04-26
I appreciated this dump not only because it helped me pass the exam, but also because I learned much knowledge and skills. Thanks very much.
Perry 2020-04-24
dump is still valid !
Xavier 2020-04-21
This dump is 100% valid!!!! I passed today
Otto 2020-03-27
Finally passed .. Thanks to passhot.
Rock 2020-03-27
these dumps are truly make cisco easier to understand
Les 2020-03-27
I pass today . In my opinion, this dump is enough to pass exam. So good luck to you.
Raymond 2020-03-01
Very useful study material, thanks the help of this dump .
Tiffany 2020-02-27
SP LAB is easy to manipulate when you have the LAB material guide
Roy 2020-02-16
I am so glad that I have chosen you as my assistant with my exam. I passed my exam.
Willie 2020-02-12
hi guys, i have passed the exam successfully in the morning, dumps are currently stable.