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CCIE Collaboration V3.0 Lab Dumps

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Exam Code: CFG: LAB1
DIAG:DIAG(1 sets)

Certification Provider: Cisco

Certification Exam Name:CCIE Collaboration Lab

Update Date: Mar 25,2025

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CCIE Collaboration Lab v3.0 Dumps & Training

The CCIE Collaboration certification that ensures that you gain knowledge and experience in collaboration solutions integration and interoperation, configuration, and troubleshooting in complex networks and the challenges of video, mobility, and presence as the foundation for workplace collaboration solutions. PASSHOT has the latest and most stable CCIE lab dumps.

If you want to pass the certification, please contact us!

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1-Protocol and API

1.a SIP Signaling Protocol Analysis 

You have been tasked to capture evidence that the backup call processing UCM at the HQ Site do indeed exchange keep-alives with Cisco 8845 IP phones. From the UCM SDI traces on the appropriate server, locate the keep-alive reply from the server to the IP Phone. Copy only the keep-alive reply SIP message, and paste it in the text file on HQ-PC’s desktop named “protocol-one.txt” 

2 - Infrastructure and QoS 

3-Call Control and Dial Plan4-Endpoints, User Management, and Mobility

4.a CUCM Hardware Phone Configuration

5-Edge Services 

5.aCUBE High Availability (HA)

6-Media Resources, Meetings, and Call Recording 

7-Collaboration Applications 

This is the study material, you will get these when you pay.

Choose PASSHOT CCIE Collaboration lab study materials, we offer 180 days service time for our CCIE Collaboration lab candidates.

CCIE Collaboration LAB Study Plan

Step 1: 3 weeks to practice Dial-PLAN.

Step 2: 3 weeks to practice Edge&Media.

Step 3: 2 weeks to practice App&API

Step 4: 1 week to practice TS1.

Step 5: 1 week to practice DIAG and review all materials.

1. What if the exam becomes unstable during my study?

We will update the free charge of the latest material for you as soon as possible after the change. Your service time will start from our stable date again.

2. Can I use remote rack for learning?

Of course, we will provide you with remote rack for your study. You won't have to worry about whether your PC is underperforming, you'll just have to keep your network up and running.

3. What operating systems are supported?

Answer: Windows/Mac

4. Is the rack environment the same as the test environment?

Answer: Sure. It’s also the secret that we students can pass the exam all at once.

CCIE Collaboration LAB

Exam Description

The CCIE Lab exam is an eight-hour, hands-on exam which requires you to configure and troubleshoot a series of complex networks to given specifications. Knowledge of troubleshooting is an important skill and candidates are expected to diagnose and solve issues as part of the CCIE lab exam.

DIAG: 1 hour

the act or process of identifying the root cause

TS: The Troubleshooting module is 2 hours. If desired, candidates can extent the Troubleshooting module's time by borrowing up to 30 min from the Configuration module. Note, the total Configuration module time will be reduced by the extra time spend in the Troubleshooting module (if any, up to 30 min). If candidates finish the Troubleshooting module early, the unused Troubleshooting module’s time will be added to the Configuration module’s time, ensuring a total lab exam time of 8 hours. 


The Configuration module provides a setup very close to an actual production network having various security components providing various layers of security at different points in the network. Though the major part of the module is based on virtual instances of the Cisco security appliances, the candidate may be asked to work with physical devices as well. At the beginning of the module, the candidate has full visibility of the entire module. A candidate can choose to work in the sequence in which the items are presented or can resolve items in whatever order seems preferable and logical.

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Product Reviews * The most recent comment are at the top

Leo 2020-04-26

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Mike 2020-04-26

I passed exam today! Trust me, this dump will very useful for u .Recommend.

Keith 2020-04-24

A very good study material, i just used one month and i passed the exam yesterday. So you can trust on it.

Magee 2020-04-20

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Lynn 2020-02-17

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Justin 2020-02-12

Great job. I passed my exam, So i will continue to using your materials.

Nat 2020-02-10

The answers are accurate, i passed exam yesterday. Maybe someone thinks I am lying, but I really passed the exam.im so happy!

Luther 2020-02-09

update quickly and be rich in content, great dump.

Miles 2020-02-07

Hurry to buy dumps to go to the exam, because I passed the exam three days ago, the answer is very accurate!

Max 2020-02-07

100% valid For CCIE Collaboraion !

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