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View full profileRead today’s theory notes Take today’s exam Complete today’s lab exec-wait Delay EXEC startup on noisy lines finger Allow responses to finger requests security-violation Disabled sfp-config-mismatch Disabled storm-control Disabled udld Disabled traffic Traffic related statistics virtual-links Virtual link information Switch1(config)#banner motd Y Connect to the switch using a console connection. Connect a PC to each switch or connect the switch to the fast ethernet port on a router. Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default) R2#show ip rip database auto-summary 3.Set the ports the PCs connect to as access ports (default but do it anyway). R2#show ntp associations Switch#sh version --------- ----------------- -------------- Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is not set 6.Issue a show port-security interface x on the switch. neighbors Detailed information on TCP and BGP neighbor connections nsap Address family Gateway Distance Last Update Distance: (default is 120) The easy way to perform wildcard masking for the CCNA exam is simply to ensure that you add a number to the subnet mask to give you a total of 255. So, if your subnet mask in one octet was 192, you would add 63 to it to make CDP is a very powerful troubleshooting tool and you will be expected to understand how to use it in the exam. Figure 7.1 below shows a small network we can discover using CDP outputs from Router 0. Imagine if you were asked to troubleshoot this network but had no topology diagram to work from. RIP uses various timers in order to mitigate routing issues such as hold down and invalid timers. You can also see the set timers for route updates, invalid,350-601 dccor pdf, Verify the switch mac address table Configure a password on the VTY lines R1(config)#ip default-gateway *~ 5 44 64 377 3.2 2.39 1.2 Global Configuration mode will permit a user to configure the switch or router and erase configurations, as well as reset passwords. You must protect this mode by setting a password or a secret password (which actually prevents the user from getting past User mode). The secret password will be displayed on the routers running the configuration file, whereas the enable secret password will be encrypted.
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Certification Provider: Cisco
Certification Exam Name:CCNP Data Center
Update Date: Feb 22,2025
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