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View full profileAbout three months (with a Chinese New Year holiday in the middle), it is divided into three stages. However, due to the limitations of their own foundation, the two parts of the storage and storage network are still poorly understood. Finally, I would like to thank Ma for your help. Not only did I successfully pass the DC2.1 exam, but I also recognized the reasons for my failure, regained my confidence, and gained knowledge, as well as learning methods. I applied to enter the version room from the end of December last year. I took the Lab exam in early March this year. The day of witnessing the miracle on June 26, 2016 finally came. I got up at 6:00 in the morning, I was afraid that I would arrive at Guomao Subway Station at 7:30. I arrived at the test room for an hour, and the examiner did not pick us up at 8:30, but was late for a while. To be honest, I have been tired for so long,recommended books for ccie data center, and I want to go to the bathroom and I am afraid that I can only miss the examiner. (It is recommended to drink less water before entering the examination room, so as not to encounter such awkward situation.) Finally, I finally saw the examiner coming. After a little verification, I told each candidate the rack number (must listen to my rack number, don't go wrong), and then enter the elevator with the examiner. The examiner took us into the Cisco CCIE examination room and went in and found it cold! On the same day, the outdoor temperature was 35 degrees, and the examination room felt less than 20 degrees. Fortunately, I brought my own natural fat (one chubby one), not afraid of cold. Fear of cold classmates! Be sure to bring a coat, or freeze it into a dog! Frozen into a dog! Frozen into a dog! The examiner will tell you that the username and password are on paper, and you should pay attention to find your login username and password (be careful to hear what the examiner said). Let yourself calm down first, although the environment is very cold, but the heart is still boiling, because after all, the test is more than 10,000. After a few minutes, I was in a calm mood. I started logging in to test whether all the devices can log in normally. This is very important. If you find that you can't log in halfway, you will be in trouble. Then read through it and find that everything went well. Start to implement the configuration according to the requirements, step by step to complete the section 1, and found that the OTV did not get up, after careful search found that IGMP v3 is not enabled under the interface, and soon the fault is resolved to the next step. Everything went smoothly, and San-boot went smoothly afterwards. It’s already two o'clock in the afternoon, and it’s all about 14:30 in the afternoon. But without checking, I started to check carefully, and I saved it immediately after checking one item (although it was saved when I configured it before, but I still don't worry, in general, I was careful not to make a big mistake.) It took more than an hour to check, and it was fast 16 :00 I finally checked. Everything is going so smoothly, I will finish it! After the test, the results are the most painful. Fortunately, it will take 4 hours to find out that I have passed. The heavy heart, finally let go, feel a lot easier! It is absolutely very hard to test CCIE. You must go to this "pit" to wander once, so that you can feel how cool the counterattack is! Haha! Finally, I would like to thank Professor Passhoth and Mr. Zhao for their guidance and help. Finally, I will help Passhoth to make an advertisement.
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Exam Code: 400-151
Certification Provider: Cisco
Certification Exam Name:CCIE Data Center
Update Date: Feb 21,2025
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