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View full profileIf the L1 / L2 router redistributed external routes to Level-1 , the Level1 area in you can learn the route, but R2 does not route injection Level2 area is Backbone of 200 Et0/1: 403 Path: valid Next-address Note that this so-called highest arbitration takes effect only if the TE metrics of multiple paths are equal,pass ccna exam, the available bandwidth meets the requirements, and there is no interference from other link attributes. The first one in the highest arbitration: select the path with the smallest IGP cost . This is the cost of the iGP . Note that it is different from the TE metric . The TE metric is the same as the IGP cost by default . Of course, we can also use the physical interface. Make changes.
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Certification Provider: Cisco
Certification Exam Name:CCNA
Update Date: Feb 22,2025
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David 2020-02-04
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