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View full profileaccess-list 100 deny ip access-list 100 deny ip For example, people often ask “ What is the difference between the device and firewall?” So as you can see from the above, there is no problem with the method. It can only be said that Cisco's PAK will encounter problems when it is activated. To be honest, I have never encountered such a problem before. So, if you encounter such a problem, you must find TAC help. Therefore, look for Cisco to open CASE solution here. Of course, it is not so simple in general. You need to configure a routing protocol on the router and most importantly is to send a default route. 4507B#copy usb0:/cat4500e-universalk9.SPA.03.08.01.E.152-4.El.bin bootflash:/ 4507B#sh module int Ethernet0/0 Router#sh run | b interface 4507-b#sh license udi ip address Sniper's patience access-list 100 permit ip Sniper's patience slot 1: empty So as you can see from the above, there is no problem with the method. It can only be said that Cisco's PAK will encounter problems when it is activated. To be honest, I have never encountered such a problem before. So, if you encounter such a problem, you must find TAC help. Therefore, look for Cisco to open CASE solution here. int e0/3 The other two SUP7LEs can be activated normally. If you do not configure a routing protocol, you can also configure a static route. Here, the core switch is configured with a default route, and the router is the master. To configure a static route, you can access the following network segment otherwise it will not be able to communicate. I believe that everyone must be familiar with this picture. This is the infrastructure of the most classic F0. In fact, in the real project, the architecture is like this. Note that Cisco's ASA When doing F0, you need to put the interface into the same network segment otherwise it will not succeed. ip address 4507-A#sh power The above configuration is well understood. The network segment is grabbed and then restricted. Then applied to the VLAN interface below. In the actual project, it’s often encountered ,such configuration requirements. 4507B#sh run | in boot access-list 101 deny ip failover interface ip failover 255.255. 255.0 standby In the winter of 1942, the new Stalingard entered the final street fighting. The captain of the Soviet "Condor sniper" Vasily was ordered to fly the bridge on the Dnieper River which meant they have to go deep into the teaching area. Now upgrade the standby engine. There are two ways to upgrade the standby engine. The first one is to take out the first upgraded engine and upgrade it directly. The second, the another possibility is to passively upgrade the second engine. Let's look at a command first: boot-start-marker boot-start-marker FA(config)# sh fa Activate IP BASE version. When you activate, under normal circumstances. There will be no problems but you may also encounter the following problems. That's the case of licensing errors. For Cisco, voice and security licenses often go wrong. However,the routing and switching are very few possibilities for error. But this time, there are 6 licenses and four of them have been activated. For example, people often ask “ What is the difference between the device and firewall?” ip route Go to Cisco website to view contact information A# sh run I in failover Question 2: Switches can access each other but one network segment cannot be connected to the public network. failover interface ip failover standby The above configuration is well understood. The network segment is grabbed and then restricted. Then applied to the VLAN interface below. In the actual project, it’s often encountered ,free braindumps,such configuration requirements. In fact, I generally explain in this way. Although it is not necessarily professional in terms of rigorous theory, it is easier for people who do not understand the Internet can through this topic to be more understand and acceptable. The model must be selected before you can choose the next step. This case is very classic. When configuring, I have encountered a lot of problems. I will record it here for your reference. First of all, when you open the chassis, SUP7E comes with License Information for 'WS-X45-SUP7-E' License Level: lanbase Type: Default. No valid license found. Next Reboot license Level: lanbase. Cisco is sending IP BASE's license, there is a white tape inside. Inside is PAK. This must be taken care of when everyone is dismantling. In the event that the second worker was dismantled, the white paper tape was lost.
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Update Date: Feb 22,2025
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