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cisco ccna 5. fejezet vizsga megoldások

    cisco ccna 5. fejezet vizsga megoldások

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  • 3.4.3 End-to-end encryption 5.5.1 Develop a security strategy (7) Select "Configure manual scanning", select "Recommended" in "Protection level", and select "Perform recommended action" in "Action taken by infected object detected". 5) Step 5 : Find the vulnerability of this machine (1) The basic composition and functions of the Cisco PIX 515 firewall. Web server construction based on SSL protocol Corresponding entity denies that the act has occurred 3) Long jump buffers (Longimpbuffers) (1) The virus spreads through Microsoft's latest RPC vulnerability, so users should apply the RPC patch to the system first . (2) Identity authentication. Identity authentication emphasizes consistency verification, which must match the consistency proof. Generally, identity authentication includes verification basis, verification system and security requirements. 6.2.1 Characteristics of computer viruses Different types of viruses have their own different characteristics, some of them to the infected file based, some with infected systems lead guide area-based. Most viruses are just a small joke, but a few viruses are extremely harmful ( such as the notorious CIH virus ) , which requires us to use appropriate methods to classify viruses to further meet the needs of daily operations. (1) the % Windows% \ Web \ Folder.htt saved to the % Windows% \ SYSTEM32 \ Setup.txt , the % Win TCP 3. Support the Internet Traditional process encryption method (3) Spread through the Internet. With the rapid development of the Internet, computer viruses have also embarked on the road of high-speed transmission. Now spreading through the Internet has become the first way of spreading computer viruses. High-level data understanding 7.1 Overview of cyber hackers At present, the functional modules in many Trojan horse programs are no longer composed of a single file, but have multiple backups that can be mutually restored. When one of them is deleted, other programs will restore it again, unable to eliminate the roots. (1) G_Server.exe : The background monitoring program of the monitored terminal ( automatically installed after running it once, and can be renamed arbitrarily ) . Before installation, you can perform some special configuration through the local server program function of G_Client , such as whether to send dynamic IP to Specify mailbox, change monitoring port,cisco ccna 5. fejezet vizsga megoldások, set access password, etc. ) . (4) IP segment scanning 1.3.3 Data security issues Table . 5 - 14 Conduit Command Description 4. Non-repudiation Note that the public key encryption and private key decryption mentioned above are information encryption used in the communication field. In sharing software encryption algorithms, we commonly use private key encryption and public key decryption, which is another use of public key algorithms -data (2) The international nature of the network means that network attacks not only come from users of the local network, but also from the Internet 3) Array boundary check Run IE , execute the "Tools" → " Internet Options " command, open the "Security" tab in the pop-up dialog box, click the "Custom Level" button, and change the security level from "Medium" to "High". An Internet worm is an independent program that can run without the intervention of computer users. It spreads by continuously gaining some or all of the control rights on the vulnerable computers in the network. The biggest difference between a worm and an ordinary virus is that it does not require human intervention, and can replicate and spread autonomously and continuously. 4) Unmodifiable information (1) Send yourself out via E-mail . Group number: 12 . 7. Root certificate Encryption (the encrypt) , decryption (the decrypt) : in some way to hide masquerade process it is referred to the original encryption; phase inverse process is called decryption. 1) Destructive Trojan Horse The following first introduces several commonly used network commands and introduces the principle of port scanning. (4) Restart the computer immediately after killing the virus. 2. Trust chain and blacklist issuance When the trusted computing base of the computer information system is initially implemented, the user is first required to identify his own identity, and a protection mechanism ( such as a password ) is used to authenticate the user's identity; unauthorized users are prevented from accessing user identity authentication data. By providing users with a unique identification, the trusted computing base of computer information systems can make users responsible for their actions. The trusted base of the computer information system also has the ability to associate the identity with all auditable behaviors of the user.

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Update Date: Feb 22,2025

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Product Reviews * The most recent comment are at the top

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