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View full profileSome of the commands that can be used to verify the encapsulation types are as follows: 4.If the route entry is the same as an existing one, and it is received from the same protocol, then: Restrict VLAN Information that might help you determine the point in the network where problems occur. It is a known fact that Distance Vector routing protocols are prone to major problems as a result of their simplistic “routing by rumor” approach. Distance Vector and Link State protocols use different techniques to prevent routing problems. The most important mechanisms include the following (some we have mentioned briefly already): Ease of Use Configure different port speeds/auto-negotiation on various switch ports Verify the port parameters with the show run and the show interface commands Because all routers in the network have the same view of the network, the most optimal paths are used for forwarding packets between networks and the possibility of routing loops is eliminated. Therefore, techniques such as split horizon and route poisoning do not apply to Link State routing protocols as they do to Distance Vector routing protocols. prompt-timeout Set Message for login authentication timeout slip-ppp Set Message for SLIP/PPP I’ve already mentioned that you can actually have both a password and an enable secret password on your router and switch, but this can cause confusion. Just set the enable secret password. The configuration file below illustrates how to issue a command without dropping back to Privileged mode by typing do before the command: Port Vlans allowed on trunk Figure 10.8 shows that the frame eventually reaches Router C and is forwarded to Host Y: C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 MD5 digest : 0x7D 0x5A 0xA6 0x0E 0x9A 0x72 0xA0 0x3A Distance Vector routing protocols traditionally use a one-dimensional vector when determining the most optimal path(s) through the network, while Link State routing protocols use the Shortest Path First (SPF) when determining the most optimal path(s) through the network. Before delving into the specifics of these two classes of routing protocols,cisco 350-801 book, we will first take a look at vectors, as well as at the elusive SPF algorithm.
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Certification Exam Name:CCNP Collaboration
Update Date: Feb 22,2025
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