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cisco 350-601 dumps

    cisco 350-601 dumps

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  • # times multi & trunk 0 Compiled Wed 18-Jul-07 04:52 by pt_team advertisement version: 2 Interface: FastEthernet0/0, Port ID (outgoing port): FastEthernet0/1 Holdtime: 178 You won’t be able to test this unless you have internet access on the router. Don’t use live equipment if you have access to routers at work. PC>ping R1(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing R1(config)#int lo0 ---- ----------- -------- ----- The two most common Distance Vector routing protocols are RIP and IGRP. EIGRP is an advanced Distance Vector routing protocol, using features from both Distance Vector and Link State (i.e., it’s a hybrid protocol). The configuration of static IPv6 routes follows similar logic to that of static IPv4 routes. In Cisco IOS software, the ipv6 route [ipv6-prefix/prefix-length] [next-hop-address | interface] [distance <1-254> | multicast | tag | unicast] global configuration command is used to configure static IPv6 routes. I1 - ISIS L1, I2 - ISIS L2, IA - ISIS interarea, IS - ISIS summary 6.3 below: It is worth noting that if you have a switch set to transparent mode in- between two other switches, then pruning will not work. In STP: no R1#show ip protocols Routing Protocol is “rip” None router rip version 2 no auto ---- ----------- ---- ----- ----------- Fa0/2 1-99,201-4094 Now please complete today’s lab at 5.Last step is optional. Check the CDP entry for the switch interface. We won’t be testing the actual phone connection. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 2001:AAAA:BBBB:CCCC::2, timeout is 2 seconds: Switch-1#show running-config interface GigabitEthernet0/2 Building configuration... Configured MAC Addresses 1 [Output Truncated] Automatic network summarization is in effect Switch-1(config-vlan)#name Example-VLAN-10 Switch-1(config-vlan)#exit Challenge 4 – LLDP Lab Cisco IOS Software, C2960 Software (C2960-LANBASE-M), Version 12.2(25)FX, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Depending on the routing protocol,cisco 350-601 dumps, you should also verify that the correct prefixes are being advertised outbound from your device. Voice VLAN: none Compiled Wed 18-Jul-07 04:52 by pt_team advertisement version: 2 Router(config)#access-list 1 permit 2.Ping across the Serial link to ensure that it is working. The switchport port-security violation restrict command was issued under the interface (the default violation mode is shutdown). Instructions If you have a discontiguous network such as the one below, you will need to ensure that you have no auto-summary configured on EVERY router. In Figure 12.5 below, the network designer has done a poor job, splitting the Aging Type : Absolute SecureStatic Address Aging : Disabled Maximum MAC Addresses 1 Voice VLAN: none [Truncated Output] Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport Copyright (c) 1986-2007 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Having ports in VLAN 1 is considered a security vulnerability which allows hackers to gain access to network resources. To mitigate this problem, it is advisable to avoid putting any hosts into VLAN 1. You can also change the native VLAN on all trunk ports to an unused VLAN: 1 0004.c16f.8741 SecureSticky Gi0/2 - VLSM and MD5 authentication was added and the updates via broadcasts were changed to multicasts on I added the version 2 command to the topology above (on each router), and you can see the new packet capture in Figure 12.3 below: R1(config-if)#ip add Verify (show) the VTP configuration on both switches Switch-1(config)#interface range FastEthernet0/3 – 4 Switch-1(config-if-range)#switchport Switch-1(config)#interface range FastEthernet0/1 – 2, 23 Switch-1(config-if-range)#switchport Network administrators who want to configure a DHCP server also need to configure DHCP scopes as part of this process. A scope is a grouping of IP addresses for a particular section of the network. Each subnet usually has its own scope. Now please take today’s exam at Day 10 – Routing Concepts Router#configure terminal Verifying that the end-stations are connected in the proper switch ports Verifying that the proper switch ports are connected in the proper router ports (if a router is used for inter-VLAN routing) Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP CDP need to be running on the switch but it is enabled by default. 2.6.aCisco Discovery Protocol DNS maps hostnames to IP addresses (not the other way around). This allows you to browse a web address from your web browser instead of the server IP address. 2.On Switch A, set the hostname, create VLAN 2, and put the interface to which your PC is connected into VLAN 2. You can also give the VLAN a name if you wish. ACL Rule 6 – Disable the ACL on the interface. R2(config)#ntp server Aging Type : Absolute SecureStatic Address Aging : Disabled Maximum MAC Addresses 1 Multilayer switch Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is not set Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is not set Sending updates every 30 seconds, next due in 10 seconds Invalid after 180 seconds, holddown 180, flushed after 240 Redistributing: rip 10.You should see your FastEthernet port go down immediately. R1(config)#router rip Switch-1(config)#ip default-gateway Limit Telnet and SSH access Troubleshooting and verifying ACLs 5.Last step is to turn off DTP for the interface. You will see that the RouterA#ping Switch1(config-if)#lldp ? 1.Add port security to the switch. Default Gateway. : In Cisco IOS software, the bandwidth interface configuration command can be used to adjust the default bandwidth value for an interface, effectively manipulating the selection of one interface against another by a routing algorithm. For example, if the FastEthernet interface was configured with the bandwidth 1000000 interface configuration command, both the FastEthernet and the GigabitEthernet links would appear to have the same capacity to the routing algorithm and would be assigned the same metric value.

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CCNP Data Center 350-601 DCCOR Exam Information

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Exam Code: 350-601

Certification Provider: Cisco

Certification Exam Name:CCNP Data Center

Update Date: Feb 22,2025

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