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View full profileR1(config-router)#maximum-paths ? Holdtime: 122 Version : DNS Server : 1.Stop ACL traffic on the interface with the no ip access-group 99 in command. TOS/TAS/TNS: TRUNK/ON/TRUNK Troubleshooting will almost always involve a configuration issue (unless your interface is down). If traffic isn’t arriving at the destination, you can test the route with the traceroute command or tracert command for a Windows PC. Purpose Subnet mask Domain name server Domain name 14.3below: 3.6.bNetwork route Router1(dhcp-config)#lease 3 3 5 ‹ command won’t work on Packet Tracer Router1(dhcp-config)#exit !!!!! 2.If the route entry is more specific than an existing route, add it to the routing table. It should also be noted that the less specific entry is still retained in the routing table. 1.Check the current DTP settings on your switch. [1] via, 00:00:12, FastEthernet0/0 Default Gateway. : Switch-1(config)#ip default-gateway Sometimes certain routes might intermittently disappear and appear from the routing table,cisco 300-425 enwlsd, causing intermittent connectivity to specific destinations. This may be because a certain network area has some kind of communication problem and routers along the path propagate new routing information every time that area becomes accessible. This process is called “route flapping,” and the specific routes can be blocked so the entire network is not affected using a feature called “route dampening.
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Exam Code: 300-425
Certification Provider: Cisco
Certification Exam Name:CCNP Enterprise
Update Date: Feb 22,2025
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