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View full profileISBL's 2 cores 6509 do VSS,ccnp switch 642-813 official certification guide, OSBL's 2 cores 6509 do VSS. 4591J55273C There is also a change of 0X2102. This is very simple so not too much to say. 0/1 licenses were failed to install failover mac address ManagementO/0 0018.1900.6000 0018.1900.6001 Back up of ASA configuration: ip access-group 100 in However, after repeated tests and experiments, the individual suggested to take out the first engine and re-upgrade the engine. This will not be a problem, otherwise there will be different problems. exit Version: Ours 9.1(5), Mate 9.1(5) version 15.3 ip nat outside CCCCC 4507B#sh module All switches are configured with SSO As can be seen from the above, the FO configuration is successful and a master-lave mode is formed. 38 -rwx 1144 May 3 2016 00:17:40 +00:00 FXS1941Q21T_201605030017404860.lic Question 1: The customer now needs to be able to access each other between the network segments but can be connected to the public network. Question 3: Only one host can access each other and cannot access the public network. I believe that everyone is familiar with the configuration of these interfaces. The main configuration is the address of the WAN port that telecom gives to you, as well as the address of the intranet. Of course, NAT is generally required so NAT will be configured. INSIDE and OUTSIDE interface. Qtherwise, there is no way to do NAT. The internal network cannot be on the public network. However, when browsing with google, there is no such prompt. After the problem was found that I was speechless. 4507B#sh run | in boot Then you need to configure the default route mainly to access the public network int e0/3 A small way to open CASE: boot-end-marker slot 1: empty Finally, the configuration of vss has been mentioned before. It is not repeated here but one thing to note: Do it here • The first engine, success. access-list 101 permit ip any any CISCO’s strong performance leadership world ip route failover mac address Ethernet0/0 0018.1900.3000 0018.1900.3001 The following are all the problems you will encounter when working through CCIE RS LAB EXAM. Installing licenses from "usb0:/FXS1941Q21T_201605030017404860.lic 4507B#sh run | in boot The above two commands that the second rule specifies the range that can be converted. Of course, this network segment is enlarged here. Under normal circumstances, it can be enlarged mainly when writing ACL is simpler and it can be written very finely. This is to look at the actual situation when doing NAT Wait, you can see that it is doing end product address conversion. Directory of usb0:/ slot 0: ASA5510 hw/sw rev (2.0/9.1(5)) status (Up Sys) 4591J55273C The router is multi-service: support data, voice, routing, and software firewall, nat various interface types. Here I will introduce you to a personal example I have encountered to understand the firewall. I went to an exchange in Shanghai, China. Here I realized what is called a firewall. First enter the exchange, the staff inside need to actively contact the security, confirm the business, and determine the identity of the entry personnel where the identity is applied in advance and verified. Then the entry personnel need to put their ID card in the security office for a permit. When you come out, you can use the entrance permit to change back to the ID card. Then, after you have the entry permit that you can enter the park but there are many buildings in the park. When I want to enter the 11th building, I need to check the security. After the security check, I got the first the construction permit for Building No. 11 can only enter Building No. 11. And the construction permit is one-off. When you walk out of Building 11, your construction permit will be invalid. When you come in for the second time, you have to go through the security check and change the construction permit and all of this is not in person. Security inspections carried out out of the park. It can be seen how strict the security of this data center.
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