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View full profileIn, the blueprint of the virus program has been outlined. However, at the time, most computer experts could not imagine such a self-reproducing program. (8) Modify remote configuration: modify server program settings such as access password and monitoring port online without re-uploading the entire file, and the modification will take effect immediately. Web server construction based on SSL protocol With the development of the Internet, the client / server structure has gradually evolved to the browser / server structure, and Web services have become the main services on the Internet in a short time. The characteristics of Web text publishing are: concise, vivid, and vivid, so both units and individuals are more inclined to use the Web to publish information. That is,ccna urdu book pdf, the startup configuration file of the application. The control terminal uses the characteristics of these files to start the program and uploads the prepared file with the same name with the Trojan horse startup command to the server to overwrite these files with the same name, so that the purpose of starting the Trojan horse can be achieved. In IE has a browser toolbar search engine tool button, you can implement web search, it has been tampered with after just to click the search tool button will link to the defacing Web sites. This is because the registry key of the search engine has been modified. The solution is as follows: (7) HTTP options : HTTP options, here the default is fine. 7.3.3 Trojan Horse Since the key is required to be kept secret, this involves the management of the key. Any confidentiality is relative and time-sensitive. To manage the key, we must pay attention to the following aspects. Next , configure the internal host to prohibit it from using WWW to access the external network. its The following describes the UNIX password algorithm and the source code for cracking. By regularly switching to new keys at the source and destination ends of the communication network at the same time , the confidentiality of data can be further improved. This is the current popular practice in financial transaction networks. Behavior denial REALM ( domain ) . For example, a standard Kerberos user is: name/instance@REALM . (2) The card used in the key system is replaced by a master transmission mother card and a manufacturing key transmission card. Verify the legality of the blank card before replacement. 1. eCertCA/PKI ® product specifications 100full - Set 100Mb / s Ethernet full-duplex communication RSA can also be used for digital signatures. The scheme is to use (a) signature and (b) verification. Consider safety and Universal CA runs in the Windows environment, shields various complex operations in the background, the front-end interface is simple, and supports batch operations of requests and certificates, and can automatically revoke expired certificates. (4) Delete files or directories: Right-click the file or directory to be deleted, and execute the "Delete" command in the shortcut menu , as shown in Figure 7.22 . (1) Master the use and management of software. (2) Non-dangerous type: This type of virus only reduces memory, displays images, makes sounds and similar sounds. 2. Multi-key management (6) Modify the registry that has been modified by the worm. 2. Logical isolation 1983 Nian 11 Yue 3 days, Fred · Cohen (Fred Cohen) Dr. UNIX developed under the system in the run-off can replicate itself in the process causing system crashes the program, but the program did not attract the attention of some professors With identification. Cohen published these procedures as papers in order to prove his theory, which caused quite a shock at the time. Cohen Cheng order to make the concept of computer viruses have destructive concrete forming.
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