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    ccna mcgraw hill pdf

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  • ( Such as access control lists ) allows the user to user name and ( or ) the identity of the user group requirements and control of the shared object; prevent non- authorized users to read sensitive information, and control access proliferation. The autonomous access control mechanism only allows authorized users to specify access to objects based on the users specified by the user . Using VLAN ( virtual local area network ) technology to change Ethernet communication into point-to-point communication can prevent most intrusions based on network monitoring. On the internal network, the IP address assigned to the device can be to allow all outgoing connections to use the IP address from the global pool for translation (1) Do not use pirated or unknown software, especially pirated anti-virus software. The following first introduces several commonly used network commands and introduces the principle of port scanning. 9.3.2 SET -Provides secure e-commerce data exchange (5) In the pop-up dialog box, select "Recommended" in the "Protection Level", and select "Prohibit access, perform recommended processing operations" in "Operation taken by infected objects detected". (2) Rising anti-virus software configuration. (1) The firewall should be composed of multiple components to form a security system with a certain degree of redundancy to avoid becoming a single point of failure of the network. After establishing the rule set, testing whether it can work safely is a critical step. The firewall is actually a tool to isolate the internal and external networks. In the Internet, it is easy to make some configuration errors. By establishing a reliable and simple rule set, a more secure network environment can be created behind the firewall. Dest If the user needs to send encrypted data, the sender needs to use the recipient's digital certificate ( public key ) to encrypt the data, and the recipient uses its own private key to decrypt the data, thereby ensuring the security and confidentiality of the data. (7) Use multiple peripheral networks. In this way,ccna mcgraw hill pdf, B can determine that the message is indeed sent from A , because only when the encryption process uses the DCA algorithm, use ECA 6.4.2 Computer virus defense = 8 17 mod 33 ③ Date of sending the letter (Date) . This is accomplished using TCP / IP vulnerabilities, send a large number of the same source and destination addresses of data packets, causing service resolver Land takes a lot of processing resources when the packet, when the packet received reaches a certain level, it will refuse to form service attack hit. In the Land attack, particularly to develop a SYN source address and destination address of the packet are set to a certain server service address, which would cause an acceptance server sends its own address SYN-ACK message, send the results of this address ACK message is returned and an empty connection is created, and each such connection will be kept until timeout.

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Latest Cisco CCNA 200-301 Dumps

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Exam Code: 200-301

Certification Provider: Cisco

Certification Exam Name:Cisco CCNA

Update Date: Feb 22,2025

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Product Reviews * The most recent comment are at the top

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