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  • (1) The electronic file was indeed sent by the sender of the signer, and the electronic file originated from the sender. Because the electronic signature data is controlled by the electronic signer when signing. ① Use the serial cable provided in the accessory box of the Cisco PIX 515 firewall to connect the serial port of the PC to the console port of the Cisco PIX 515 firewall. 3.5.2 Diffie-Hellman key exchange technology After selecting the material, the rule set can be established. A typical firewall rule set includes 12 aspects, which are briefly introduced below . The X.509 certificate format generated by eCertCA/PKI is the standard X.509/V3 format, especially for X.509/V3 9.3 E-commerce security technology agreement The most widely used is Troyma. As long as someone runs the server-side program, if the client knows the server-side IP address, remote control can be achieved. The following program can be used to observe what the "victim" is doing. Of course, this program can be used for legitimate business, such as monitoring the operation of student computers. 1) Overview of distributed denial of service attacks To realize the security of e-commerce, the transaction security of e-commerce is especially important. To achieve truly secure online shopping, you must enter a website that uses SSL or SET . SSL is the protection of the session. The security services provided by SSL include entity authentication, integrity, confidentiality, and non-repudiation through digital signatures. In the dynamic address translation of NAT, the local host ( the host to be translated ) must be defined with the NAT command . Then you must use With the development of the Internet, the client / server structure has gradually evolved to the browser / server structure, and Web services have become the main services on the Internet in a short time. The characteristics of Web text publishing are: concise, vivid, and vivid, so both units and individuals are more inclined to use the Web to publish information. After the data frame is received into the buffer of the network card, the first 14 bytes of data read into the memory are the source address and destination 2. Implement an attack Word processing software such as Word is not operating normally. 5.5.5 Pay attention to replacement control (1) The function and realization of each functional module of Fair firewall. This is because the DWORD value DisableRegistryToo1s under the registry is modified to 1 , and the key value is restored to 0 to restore it. The solution is as follows: 1. Antivirus principles Technically, there are many ways to achieve logical isolation, but the main thing is to use firewalls. The development of firewalls is mainly reflected in performance, security and functions. In fact, these three are contradictory and restrict each other. Technology with multiple functions and good security often affects its performance; multiple functions also affect the security of the system. 2. Analyze the vulnerability and security flaws of computer networks. + :: 0 : 0 ::: 1) System reliability Windows 98SE : In the compressed package Win98_41.cab . 6.6.5 Checking and killing the CIH virus (6) Use Proxy : Use a proxy to prevent others from discovering your real IP . If you want to use a proxy,ccna lessons, select the check box, click the Define button, and set the proxy's IP and port. If you want a user name and password, enter it, otherwise don't enter it. No proxy is used here. Method 1: Search for strings in executable files. To achieve the purpose of controlling or monitoring the computer, the Trojan must be run. However, no one will run this Trojan on their own computer. Of course, the Trojans will find a safe place and can run automatically when you start the system, to be will be lurking in the Win.ini in. Open Win.ini . In its windows field, there are startup commands load= and run= . In general, = is blank.

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Exam Code: 200-301

Certification Provider: Cisco

Certification Exam Name:Cisco CCNA

Update Date: Feb 22,2025

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