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View full profile5) Continuously improve the security performance of the server system document . onmousemove=click{ internal_if_name (9) ICMP echo scan If no netmask is specified, a " classful " netmask will be used : 6.2.2 How the virus spreads The leftmost one is the username of the remote login, including the last login time, the type of Shell used and other information. Using Finger can produce results similar to the following. 6. Communication service filling mechanism The firewall is a security mechanism that adds another layer of parameter network to the host filtering structure, so that there are two layers of separation between the internal network and the external network. The internal and external routers of the parameter network connect the internal and external networks respectively, as shown in Figure 5.4 . The cryptanalyst can not only get the ciphertext of some messages, but also know the plaintext of these messages. The task of the analyst is to use the encrypted information to derive the key used for encryption or to derive an algorithm that can decrypt any new message encrypted with the same key. ASP , PHP , JSP , VBS files. (1) The basic composition and functions of the Cisco PIX 515 firewall. (2) Checksum: One of the simplest and most feasible methods of integrity control is to use the checksum to calculate the checksum value of the file and compare it with the value calculated last time. If they are equal, the file has not changed; if they are not , the file may have been changed by undetected behavior. The checksum method can check errors,ccna exam tab key, but cannot protect data. 2) How the scanner works It should be noted that the simpler the rules, the better. The number one enemy of the network is misconfiguration. Try to keep the rule set concise and short, because the more rules, the more likely to make mistakes, and the fewer rules, the easier it is to understand and maintain. A good rule is not to exceed 30 rules. Once the rules exceed 50 , it should end in failure. (3) Using online dynamic authorization (Authority) and authentication check (Certificate) to ensure the safety and reliability of the transaction process. Next , configure the internal host to prohibit it from using WWW to access the external network. its To guard against this type of attack is relatively easy to install a firewall can deny ICMP response packet, it will put such a packet stopped, the other can modify the settings in the operating system, such as Windows 2000 in the IP security policy set It can be solved by filtering out the ICMP packets. 1.3.4 Security issues of transmission lines (1) All unauthorized access is forbidden. Based on this principle, the firewall to block all traffic, and then later want to open service gradually open, this is a very practical way, it can form a very safe environment, but it is easy to sacrifice safety for users At the price, the range of services that users can use is greatly restricted. (3) What is the effect of IP address binding? How to bind? (11) Interference with the printer: intermittent printing, changing characters, etc. Not long ago, Microsoft introduced a new operating system, Windows XP . Can we use Windows XP with confidence ? Microsoft has done a lot of work on the security of Windows XP and added many new security features, for example, The application of quantum technology in cryptography is divided into two categories: one is the use of quantum computers to analyze traditional cryptosystems; the other is the use of single-photon uncertainty principle to achieve key management and information encryption at the fiber level. That is quantum cryptography. Large scale quantum computers is equivalent to a parallel computing system over the traditional sense, in a few seconds using a quantum computer can decompose the bell the RSA 129 public key. According to the development of the Internet, the all-fiber network will be the development direction of network connections in the future. The use of quantum technology can realize the traditional cryptosystem, complete key exchange and information encryption at the fiber level, and its security is based on Heisenberg 's uncertainty In principle, if an attacker attempts to receive and detect the information ( polarization ) of the information sender , it will cause a change in the quantum state. This change is irreversible for the attacker, but can easily Detect whether the information is under attack. At present, quantum encryption technology is still in the research stage ( in a leading position in our country ) , and the effective distance of its quantum key distribution QKD on the optical fiber cannot meet the requirements of long-distance optical fiber communication.
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