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ccna 8-10

    ccna 8-10

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  • (4) Restricted system functions: including multiple functional restrictions such as remote shutdown, remote restart of the computer, locking of the mouse, locking of system hot keys, and locking of the registry. 2. SET trading members (2) The international nature of the network means that network attacks not only come from users of the local network, but also from the Internet (2) If the user's browser is IE 5.0 , and IE 5.0 has local, trusted sites, restricted sites, etc., the above settings need to be performed separately. (2) Master the configuration of the FTP service client. The trusted computing base of computer information systems prevents unauthorized users from modifying or destroying sensitive information through autonomous and mandatory integrity policies. In a network environment, integrity-sensitive tags are used to make sure that the information is not compromised during transmission. The specific steps of SET digital certificate application are shown in Figure 9.3 . Due to their uniqueness, some new viruses cannot be classified according to the previous types, such as macro viruses, hacker software, and email viruses. 4) Analyze system logs regularly (4) Briefly describe several basic configuration methods of firewall. The following describes the concepts related to firewalls. Password authentication confirmation, data encryption confirmation, communication "handshake" protocol, digital signature and notary identification, and identification by using entity characteristics or ownership forms ( such as language, fingerprints, identification card identification, etc. ) . if(event . button==3){alert('Do not view the source file ')} Common public key algorithms are listed below. (7) Use city transaction key card, city transaction key card transmission card, city master key card, city master key card transmission card to issue user card mother card ( directly cipher text to derive the key, on the user card mother card Create two directories ADF respectively , import the key on the mother card directly, without adding the protection key ) . The blocks are XORed with each other and the 16 -bit subkey, modulo 216 addition, and modulo 216+1 multiplication. Except for the last round (3) When the virus runs, it will copy itself to %systemdir%\msblast.exe , and the user can manually delete the virus file (%systemdir% is a variable, which refers to the system directory in the operating system installation directory ) . (6) Check and kill viruses, use anti-virus software to check and kill, and completely remove Nimda virus. Note: * Refers to any arbitrary ( as indicated by any protocol type ) , other analogy. 2. Modify the default homepage of IE browser, and lock the setting items, prohibit users from changing back The sender host sends data to the network, and these data pass through every node in the network. However, each node of the network card itself only MAC data address matches to the upper layer protocols for processing, the native MAC data address does not match will be discarded. However, if the working mode is set to the promiscuous mode network card, the network card receives all flow through the packet data node. The above is done by the network card and its driver. Therefore, in the Windows environment , to process the data received and sent by the network card, you must first understand the network driver interface specification. NDIS regulates the standard interface between network drivers, and also maintains the parameters and status information of the network drivers, including pointers to functions, handles and link parameter blocks, as well as other system parameters. In general, NDIS is essentially a software interface,ccna 8-10, which allows different transmissions to use a common way to access network cards manufactured by different manufacturers.

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Exam Code: 200-301

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Certification Exam Name:Cisco CCNA

Update Date: Feb 21,2025

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