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ccna 4 chapter 8 exam answers

    ccna 4 chapter 8 exam answers

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  • When using FTP , it should be noted that whether to log in to the FTP server in PASV or PORT mode , the choice is on the FTP client. (3) Protocol Driver (Protocol the Drivers) . Generally, hackers scan before attacking the system, and managers can make predictions through records and prepare for it. (8) The stealth of various attack techniques is enhanced, which cannot be identified by conventional means. When starting the computer, hold down the Ctrl key or press the F8 key when Start Windows 98 … pops up , and then select " Command Prompt Only ". 4. Preventive measures against network monitoring (6) Physical protection and safety management. By formulating standards, management methods and regulations, strengthen the standardized management of physical entities and information systems, and reduce the negative impact of ineffective human management factors. (2) Combine internal routers and external routers. 2. Logical isolation (2) File download: Right-click the file you want to download, execute the "copy" command, and paste it in the destination directory. You can also execute the "File Download To" command after selecting the file you want to download , and select the destination directory and file name. ③ Modify the default page settings of OutLook to point to the virus. Cisco PIX 515 firewall with integrated software and hardware platform, is a specialized firewall products, the use of operating as the system is not open UNIX or Windows NT operating system, instead of using a proprietary, real-time IOS , in safety performance And data stream processing performance is higher than router firewall or software firewall. SSL server responds SSL client's request; SSL client and SSL server exchange mutually agreed password, general encryption algorithm uses RSA algorithm; test SSL server to get the password is correct, and verify that SSL client credibility; SS The L client exchanges finished information with the S S L server. Figure 9. 1 shows the working principle of the S SL standard. 4.1.3 The technical realization method of digital signature 2. Hybrid firewall (1) The virus spreads through Microsoft's latest RPC vulnerability, so users should apply the RPC patch to the system first . (8) Be sure to back up the hard disk boot area and the main boot sector, and frequently back up important data to take precautions. Specify the transport protocol for the connection. Some possible values are text ICMP , TCP , UDP or represents a IP Association Protocol No. 0 ~ 255 an integer in the range. Use IP to specify all transport protocols. If specified Refers to the fact that both parties in the communication are convinced of the authenticity of the participants themselves and the information provided by the participants in the process of information exchange, that is, it is impossible for all participants to deny or deny their true identity, as well as the originality and completion of the information provided Operation and commitment. 3. Application layer gateway 4.4.2 eCertCA / PKI (5) Audit trail. Perform detailed audits on the operating status of the network information system, and maintain audit records and logs to help discover security weaknesses and intrusions in the system, and minimize security risks. (2) Obtain the password. Use range and a port range to allow or deny access to only those ports within the range. E.g, (1) attack system data area: i.e. attack computer hard master boot, the Boot sector, the FAT table, the file entry recorded content and the like ( in general, the system data area virus attack malignant virus,ccna 4 chapter 8 exam answers, corrupted data easily Restore ) . In some password files, it also contains a piece of data -the password validity period. The purpose of the password validity period is to prompt the user to change the password after a certain period of time, so as to improve the security of the system. eCertCA/PKI can also support multi-level CA trust chain (trusty path ) and blacklist (Certificate Revocation List , CRL) issuance functions. Through multi-level CA support, and with the PKI organization operated aircraft structure, build a multi-tier PKI trust tree (Tree Trust) . Key (Key) : Key is the key data encryption and decryption algorithms involved. Without it, plaintext cannot become ciphertext, and ciphertext cannot become plaintext. (2) Understand the CA certification center in China and follow the wizard to familiarize yourself with the certificate application process on the Internet. (3) collect system information: After the first network to collect information about the target, the hacker will each host on the network machine full system analysis to seek the host of security breaches or security weaknesses. Methods of collecting information systems are open discharge port analysis and use of information services, the use of security scanners, social engineering. (1) Removal of the cover letter virus. Briefly describe the impact of CIH virus on the system. Figure 5.2 Dual-homed host firewall structure With . 3 th "incompatible" is the group operation on two 16 -bit subblocks is obtained, and the algorithm used by the selected MA ( multiply ) (1) Master the installation method of Rising anti-virus software. (3) Port : Set port, usually FTP services use the 21 ports, but here is the use of HTTP 's 80 This example introduces the use of Cain software for Sniffer , the software version number is Cain 2.5 , and the main interface of Cain 2.5 is shown in Figure 7.2 . (3) Obtain system information: including computer name, registered company, current user, system path, operating system version, Adaptive agent technology (Self-Adaptive Agent Technology) is a new firewall technology, in a certain program reflects the current developments in the firewall. The technology can dynamically adapt to the packet traffic in transmission according to user-defined security policies. If the security requirements are high, the security check should be done at the application layer to ensure the maximum security of the proxy firewall; once the proxy clarifies all the details of the session, the subsequent data packets directly reach the much faster network layer. This technology combines the security of agent technology and the high efficiency of other technologies.

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