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View full profileSource host port (8) Use Username : Use user name. FTP requires a user name,ccna 300-201 practice test, so select it ( selected by default ) . 1.4.5 Information leakage or loss 3.1.3 Development of data encryption technology (4) Derive the keys on the leader card respectively, and write them into the city master control key card after a certain combination of processing. With the generation of urban transport card Master Control key while protecting key storage total control key fob in the city total control key fob transmission card, as the encryption key. (1) Connect the network settings as shown in Figure 5.7 . It uses as the global address, and the internal host address is 2. Training content (3) the Cisco PIX 520 - for large enterprises and high-end complex traffic environment, with 370Mb / s test swallow spit amount, capable of handling 250 000 concurrent sessions. Cipher algorithm: Cipher algorithm is also called cipher , which is a mathematical function for encryption and decryption ( usually, there are two related functions, one for encryption and one for decryption ) . For a User-DTP , this is a guess, although the RFC clearly defines that it is possible to request one server to send a file to another server. But this method doesn't seem to work anymore. The disadvantage of this protocol is that "can not be used to send messages and news to be tracked, a blow to many servers, run out of disk in an attempt to cross the firewall ." → " Internet Options " command, open the "Security" tab in the pop-up dialog box, and then click the "Custom Level" button, the "Security Settings" dialog box will pop up , and all ActiveX plug-ins and controls and Java related Select all to disable. However, this may cause some websites that normally use ActiveX to fail to browse. (2) Master the access filtering function of the firewall. 5. How a digital certificate works The unlocking method is as follows. In this way, the access from the internal host to the outside can be fully controlled. (5) In severe cases, the system will crash. FLC virus Windows NT After clearing the virus, we need to back up files on the machine with these modified files recovery complex, or reinstall the files. 5.5.1 Develop a security strategy Figure 5.5 Strap-type firewall structure Wei threat (3) does not regulate third-party CGI programs, or malice customers to Web publishing server CGI program, will be on the Web damage to physical or logical servers, and even the Web to copy the entire hard disk information on the server due to special On a host on the network. = { D , n } . 1) One of SET certification -registration 2) Identification (1) Bitwise XOR operation. Table . 5 - . 8 IP address command description The above features, while all kinds of Trojans, but to play a role in other machines, but also had anti-spyware software that one off the job. Common anti-trojan horse software includes ZoneAlarm , Norton Anti-Virus, etc. The function of the program killer Trojan horse is to shut down such programs running on the other party's machine so that other Trojan horses can perform better. 3. Consolidate control The SSL security protocol also has its shortcomings. The main ones are: it cannot automatically update the certificate; the certification authority is difficult to code; the browser password is arbitrary; it cannot automatically detect the certificate revocation table; the user's key information is stored in plain text on the server . In addition, although SSL provides security in the process of information transmission, the relevant credit card data should only be seen by the bank. However, these data are decrypted at the store side, and customer data is completely exposed to the merchant. Although the SSL security protocol has weaknesses, it is widely used on commercial websites in Europe and the United States due to its easy operation, low cost, and continuous improvement .
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Update Date: Feb 22,2025
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