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View full profile(3) Efficient and flexible Users can use the Netstat command to check the current status of the connection line to see if there is a SYN Flood attack. As long as the line is in the SYN-Received state, it indicates that the system may be under attack. auto -set the automatic Ethernet speed. (1) The effect on the cardholder purchaser is: ① Use the private key to decrypt the reply; ② Use the merchant’s public key to fill in the order; ③ Use The SSL standard mainly provides three types of services: data encryption service, authentication service and data integrity service. First of all, (5) non-repudiation (Non-repudiation) : First, anti-denial of service with a source of evidence, and second-repudiation with proof of delivery of services. (4) Enter the characteristic string you want to find- CIH v in the "Include text" text box in "Advanced" . to master a particular network virus killing methods Because Cookie can be stored on the client, it has the function of recording user's personal information, but it does not need to use complicated CGI and other programs. 4.2.1 The concept of identification As long as users browse such web pages, the hard disk will be shared, which is more harmful than Trojan horse programs. Hackers can use this method to treat the user's hard disk as his logical hard disk, copy files, delete files, rename files, and even format the hard disk in the computer. After selecting the material, the rule set can be established. A typical firewall rule set includes 12 aspects, which are briefly introduced below . 5.5.3 Establish the order of rules ip_address Global IP address. Do not translate the IP address as a port address. The IP address on the lower security level interface being accessed filter (7) Use multiple peripheral networks. Familiar with the attack methods commonly used by hackers 5. Latent (3) It can monitor all web pages visited by the user in a certain period of time, capture and transmit to any host on the Internet. 1. Commonly used network-related commands 4.1.3 The technical realization method of digital signature (1) Familiar with the basic composition and functions of Cisco PIX 515 firewall, and understand the Console port and other basic ports. 3.1.1 Data encryption technology The scanner should have three functions: the function of discovering a host or network; once a host is discovered, the function of discovering what service is running on this host; the function of discovering vulnerabilities by testing these services. After the Trojan is implanted into the attacking host, it will generally send information about the intruding host, such as the IP address of the host , the port where the Trojan is implanted,ccna 200-301 costo, etc., to the attacker in a certain way , so that the attacker can cooperate with the Trojan to control the attack. Host. 1) Ping of death (4) ECDSA : can be used for information encryption and digital signature. static command parameters / options By making the address space of the data segment of the attacked program non-executable, it is impossible for hackers to execute the code of the attacked program's input buffer. This technique is called non-execution buffer technology. After doing this, the target computer may hang up or restart. Because -l 65510 generates a huge data packet. Due to the requirement to return the same data packet, the target computer will not be able to react. , Memory reduction, etc. ) , once found, it should be checked with anti-virus software immediately. Table 2 - 1 operating system 5 levels Any downloadable software must have a digital signature before downloading, which is the default security setting requirement of Internet Explorer . The digital signature can verify the content of the file and whether the file has a reliable source. Signatures provide a way to verify the content of a file, which ensures that the file has not been changed after it is available for download. The digital signature verifies the source by identifying the legal entity that created the software. When you add a signature to the downloadable software, you are a legal entity. The legal entity shall be responsible for the losses caused when the signed software is downloaded or after it is run.
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Update Date: Jan 30,2025
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