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View full profileFirst go to and you can see the following tips: interface Vlan20 Vasily walked over with a gun. The German fell pale on the ground and a hole was punched in his forehead. Vasily bent down and found a document from the German pocket,ccie security written exam study guide, which read: König, the SS. Colonel, ace sniper. ip nat outside As you can see, the activation is wrong here. Said this PAK is invalid. The four PAKs are activated as follows: access-list 101 permit ip any any Disabled The engine is not recognized. There may be hardware problems or software differences. For example, my power supply is 1300W. At this time, this problem occurs. IOS is different, there will be this problem. failover polltime interface 1 holdtime 5 License Information for 'WS-X45-SUP7L-E' Copy in FA(config)# sh fa ip address access-list 100 deny ip Before I answer this question, I will expand the topic first. Let me talk about my own understanding of the United States and CISCO. The United State is a great country and CISCO is a great country. Now you can do NAT conversion. There are two main steps to do NAT conversion. The first step is to specify the scope of a conversion. What does it mean? It is possible that there are many network segments on the intranet, not every network segment. Public network, some companies require that only part of it can go to the public network. Part of it cannot be on the public network, such as protecting the security of some data and so on. Because ISP now only assigns an IP address to you so do port address translation. This port is the configured OUTSIDE interface.
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Exam Code: 400-251
Certification Provider: Cisco
Certification Exam Name:CCIE Security
Update Date: Feb 22,2025
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Product Reviews * The most recent comment are at the top
Rainer 2020-01-27
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