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  • int Ethernet0/1 SUP7/7L comes with a USB interface. This is very useful and generally not upgraded with a network cable. Just need to test the UC file and IOS into the U disk. As I mentioned before, how to format a USB flash drive is not repeated here. failover lan unit secondary boot-end-marker License Information for 'WS-X45-SUP7L-E' At the beginning, the switch was a problem and the reason was not found. Later found that it is a power problem so I changed two big 2800W .The power supply is just fine. Note here that under normal circumstances, the engine above SUP7 is recommended to select a power supply above 1400 otherwise there will be some special problems. If it is 2800W, a power supply is enough. 4591J55273C Let's take a look at the configuration in the actual project and delete some unused configurations. 0/1 licenses were existing licenses ip virtual-reassembly in However, people outside the community have to enter the community which is generally not allowed. If you must enter, you must explicitly register with your ID card before you can release it. The registration is not possible. You need to contact the people inside the community to make sure that you have business contacts. . Installing licenses from "usb0:/FXS1941Q21T_201605030017404860.lic slot 0: ASA5510 hw/sw rev (.0/9.1() status (Up Sys) slot 1: empty no switchport ip address Don't say it again! Copy it to FLASH and then upgrade it is like this. From the above, you can see that there is a license for the basic version as well as a license for security and data versions. 4507B#license install usb0:/FXS1941Q21T_201605030017404860.lic HSRP is configured on the distribution layer switch according to IP ADDRESS & VLAN Design,ccie rs logo, and the network segment is advertised to OSPF. // Since all are advertised to OSPF, can you use network area x? boot-end-marker 4507B#sh run | in boot access-list 101 deny ip This command can upgrade the standby engine's IOS to the primary engine. enable secret 5 $l$FGLC$Y/iyOOH5xkYLI3mWkijL91 Active : The description is the main engine, normal, and generally above the engine.This light will be on. Failover On 0/1 licenses were failed to install int Ethernet0/1 Sup7_E#sh license summary Sup7_E#sh license all failover interface ip state standby IOS test bootflash: / later, you need to change the startup project Two export routers of ISBL and OSBL, 4 firewalls, and OSPF AREA0 between 4 cores. slot 0: ASA5510 hw/sw rev (.0/9.1() status (Up Sys) A# sh run I in failover ip access-group 100 in 1、Telephone method: Directory of usb0:/ Sup7_E#license install bootflash:FOX1509GTJU_20111127185652223.lic When doing a project, I often encounter such a small project. That is the customer only buys a Cisco router and a core switch. Now you need to configure the router and switch for the client to access the Internet. In fact, this small project looks very simple but it is very important and often encounters unsuccessful configuration or fails to meet customer requirements. Here is a detailed analysis of such a small project because through this such small projects can be derived from many different configurations and requirements, such as dual exports, etc. First look at the configuration of the router.

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CCIE Routing and Switching 400-101 Written Dumps

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Update Date: Feb 22,2025

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