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View full profileHowever, people outside the community have to enter the community which is generally not allowed. If you must enter, you must explicitly register with your ID card before you can release it. The registration is not possible. You need to contact the people inside the community to make sure that you have business contacts. . When doing a project,400-251 ccie security study guide, I often encounter such a small project. That is the customer only buys a Cisco router and a core switch. Now you need to configure the router and switch for the client to access the Internet. In fact, this small project looks very simple but it is very important and often encounters unsuccessful configuration or fails to meet customer requirements. Here is a detailed analysis of such a small project because through this such small projects can be derived from many different configurations and requirements, such as dual exports, etc. First look at the configuration of the router.
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Exam Code: 400-251
Certification Provider: Cisco
Certification Exam Name:CCIE Security
Update Date: Feb 22,2025
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Product Reviews * The most recent comment are at the top
Rainer 2020-01-27
valid just passed my exam with this dump. SOme answers are incorrect. but so far so good. thanks
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