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View full profileTopology R1#show ip route Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 12-Oct-05 22:05 by pt_team Time remaining: 90 seconds Static secure MAC addresses are statically configured by network administrators and are stored in the MAC address table, as well as in the switch configuration. When static secure MAC addresses are assigned to a secure port, the switch will not forward frames that do not have a source MAC address that matches the configured static secure MAC address or addresses. To turn off CDP for a particular interface, issue the following command: Configuring Sticky Secure MAC Addresses Learn how routers can be used as DHCP servers. communicate only with routers in the same domain or area. This reduces the amount of information that routers in the domain or area must process, which allows for faster convergence within the network. Take today’s exam Router#debug ip rip You can also implement this route using the router’s outgoing interface instead of the next hop. So,350-701 scor exam cost, for example, if Router 1 uses Ethernet 0/2 to connect to Router 2, it would look like this: One of the primary goals of all routing protocols is to select the most optimal path through the network from the source subnet or host to the destination subnet or host. The most optimal route depends upon the metrics used by the routing protocols. A route that may be considered the best by one protocol may not necessarily be the most optimal route from the perspective of * master (synced), # master (unsynced), + selected, - candidate, ~ configured exec-wait Delay EXEC startup on noisy lines finger Allow responses to finger requests Walkthrough Enabled: yes 120. The second route is This route is learned via internal EIGRP Network not functioning as it should Network information vulnerable to outsiders R1(config-router)#network R1(config-router)#end Services ---- ----------- ---- ----- ------------ Here is an example of these commands in use: The MAC addresses in bold text in the output above are dynamically learned and added to the current configuration. No manual administrator configuration is required to add these addresses to the configuration. By default, sticky secure MAC addresses are not automatically added to the startup configuration (NVRAM). To ensure that this information is saved to NVRAM, which means that these addresses are not relearned when the switch is restarted, it is important to remember to issue the copy running- config startup-config command, or the copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config command, depending upon the IOS version of the switch on which this feature is implemented.
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Exam Code: 350-701
Certification Provider: Cisco
Certification Exam Name:CCIE Security
Update Date: Feb 04,2025
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