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View full profileVTP System Description:Cisco IOS Software, C2900 Software (C2900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.4(3)M3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)Technical Support: (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc.Compiled Fri 05- Jun-15 13:24 by prod_rel_team The following output illustrates how to enable sticky learning on a port for a maximum of 10 MAC addresses. In the event that an unknown MAC address (e.g., an eleventh MAC address) is detected on the port, the port will be We have covered some important ground over the last three days. Ensure you read over the notes again, making your own notes and highlighting important learning points which you will find makeup questions in the actual exam. The challenge labs throughout this book are based on previous labs already configured so we don’t provide solutions. Day 14 Labs By properly configuring the router in your network, documenting each step along the way, and constantly monitoring the path between different points in the network, you will have a solid understanding of exactly how the traffic should traverse all the devices in the network. Use two directly connected routers and test the basic commands depicted in this module. RIP is covered soon so just copy my commands for now. 3.5Compare and contrast static routing and dynamic routing The device moves to another subnet (e.g, to a wireless network from a wired network) Default version control: send version 2, receive version 2 Interface Send Recv Triggered RIP Key-chain FastEthernet0/0 2 2 peer-group Display information on peer-groups pending-prefixes Display prefixes pending deletion prefix-list Display routes matching the prefix-list Day 6 – Trunking and DTP Switch-1(config)#ip default-gateway 2.Log in to the VTY lines and set up Telnet access referring to a local username and password. 3.Check the LLDP entry for Switch1, note that LLDP is disabled and then enable it on both sides. Aging Type : Inactivity SecureStatic Address Aging : Disabled Maximum MAC Addresses 10 Basic Routing On the switch,350-701 scor course, the single link connected to the router must be configured as a Comparing and manipulating the AD in order to prefer it over the correct routing protocol I1 - ISIS L1, I2 - ISIS L2, IA - ISIS inter area, IS - ISIS summary You won’t be able to test this unless you have internet access on the router. Don’t use live equipment if you have access to routers at work. Day 13 – Review Spend 15 minutes on the website As you know, the switchport command isn’t required on the 2960 switch because the interface is already running in Layer 2 mode. Max Addresses limit in System : 1024 function is to discover attached Cisco devices. You may not want other Cisco devices to see information about your network devices, so you can turn this off, at least on the devices at the edge of your network which connect to other companies or your ISP. Challenge 3 – CDP Lab In order to understand how floating static routes work, you first need to learn (or be reminded of) the administrative distance (AD) attribute of the routes. Each type of route is assigned a numerical value that tells the router which route should be preferred. The lower the number, the stronger the candidate for insertion into the routing table. IP Address. : Correct domain and VTP password? Shutting down a port is done with the shutdown command under the Interface Configuration mode: Flat and Hierarchical Routing Algorithms Walkthrough 4.Configure a static route on Router B, sending all traffic for the network to next-hop address 4.Set the port security violation action to restrict. RIP protocol debugging is on Sending the packet (switching) The standard and extended ACLs presented in the next sections are numbered ACLs. These represent the classic way of configuring ACLs. Named ACLs are the other way of configuring ACLs and they are presented in a subsequent section. Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater, P - Phone value of 5. If another device was synchronized to the local router, it would reflect a stratum of 7 and so forth. The second command that is used to validate the NTP configuration is the show ntp status command, the output of which is illustrated below: Pinging with 32 bytes of data: In STP: no Default gateway: (the router interface assigned to the network it serves as a DHCP server) Gateway of last resort is not set Fa0/2 on 802.1q trunking 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Routing protocol algorithms operate using either a flat routing system or a hierarchical routing system. A hierarchical routing system uses a layered approach wherein routers are placed in logical groupings referred to as domains, areas, or autonomous systems. This allows different routers within the network to perform specific tasks, optimizing the functionality performed at those layers.
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Exam Code: 350-701
Certification Provider: Cisco
Certification Exam Name:CCIE Security
Update Date: Feb 22,2025
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