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350-501 spcor study guide

    350-501 spcor study guide

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  • 3.2.bNetwork mask 306C300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010105 00035B00 30580251 00C41B63 8EF294A1 RouterA#show ip route Routing entry for Switch-1(config-if)#switchport mode access Switch-1(config-vlan)#name Example-VLAN-10 Switch-1(config-vlan)#exit Instructions Configuring and verifying trunk links Dynamic Trunking Protocol Instructions Switch0 Fas 0/0 165 S 2960 Fas 0/1 R1#show ip protocols Routing Protocol is “rip” Switch-1(config-if)#no shutdown Switch-1(config-if)#exit <1-65535> Process ID number I’ve seen this often on live networks. You will usually have the same ACL policy throughout your network. Rather than configuring several ACLs, simply refer to the same ACL and apply it to as many interfaces as you require. Figure 15.3 below illustrates this concept: 1.If the route entry does not currently exist in the routing table, add it to the routing table. show interface trunk Chassis id: 0001.64EE.CB19 Port id: Gig0/1 ipv4 Address family RouterA#show ip route Routing entry for Wildcard Masks labels Display labels for IPv4 NLRI specific information Image text-base: 0x00003000, data-base: 0x01362CA0 ROM: Bootstrap program is C3560 boot loader dynamic Set trunking mode to dynamically negotiate access or trunk mode trunk Set trunking mode to TRUNK unconditionally Instructions Switch#configure terminal Switch(config)#lldp run Switch(config)#end ----------------- -------------- 2.7.eViolation actions Connect to the switch using a console connection. Connect a PC to the switch or connect the switch to the fast ethernet port on a router. switchport mode access switchport port-security ACL Rule 1 – Use only one ACL per interface per direction.   (W) WLAN Access Point, (P) Repeater, (S) Station, (O) Other Device ID Local Intf Hold-time Capability Port ID Switch1 Gig0/1 120 B Gig0/1 Known via “static”, distance 1, metric 0 Routing Descriptor Blocks: 1 0004.c16f.8741 SecureSticky Gi0/2 - Purpose Because CDP is a Layer 2 service it does not require IP addresses to be configured in order to exchange information. The interface need only be Server life time-out: 180 seconds Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: static access Operational Mode: static access Port Status : Secure-up Violation Mode : Restrict Login – shown before the user sees the login prompt 2.Issue some common show commands for IPv6. Router#show ip bgp ? Renewal (T1) timer (default 50% of the lease time): Whenever a workstation obtains an IP address, this timer starts up, and when 50% of the lease time has been reached, the DHCP client will try to renew its lease with the original DHCP server. 4.Now ping the remote network on R1 from R2. Routing algorithms, while different in nature, all have the same basic objectives. While some algorithms are better suited for certain networks than others are, all routing protocols have their advantages and disadvantages. Routing algorithms are designed with the following objectives and goals: As with any skill, repetition makes mastery. As I’ve said before, you must type on a router every example I give,350-501 spcor study guide, do as many labs as possible, and then make up your own examples. You need to be fast and you need to be accurate, both in the exam and in the real world. 10.You should see your FastEthernet port go down immediately. Passive Interface(s): Like load, the term reliability means different things depending upon the context in which it is used. Here, unless stated otherwise, it should always be assumed that reliability refers to the dependability of network links or interfaces. In Cisco IOS software, the reliability of a link or interface is represented as a fraction of 255. For example, a reliability value of 255/255 indicates that the interface is 100% reliable. Similar to the interface load, by default the reliability of an interface is calculated as an average over a period of five minutes.

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CCNP Service Provider 350-501 SPCOR Exam Information

( 7 People are currently looking at this product )

Exam Code: 350-501

Certification Provider: Cisco

Certification Exam Name:CCNP Service Provider

Update Date: Feb 22,2025

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