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View full profileSwitch#sh version The ports connecting the switch to the router are usually trunk ports Topology udp-small-servers Enable small UDP servers (e.g., ECHO) 3.Assign a static route on Router A, sending all traffic for the network out of the Serial interface. Use your own serial number, of course; don’t just copy mine if yours has a different number! I’ve not added the interface configs because you already know how. Switch#show int g0/1 switchport Name: Gig0/1 Take today’s exam DHCP simplifies network administrative tasks by automatically assigning IP information to hosts on a network. This information can include IP addresses,300-710 sncf exam cost, subnet masks, and default gateways, and is usually assigned when the host boots up but can also update periodically. ---- --------- ------------------------------- R2(config)#ipv6 route 2001:AAAA:BBBB:DDDD::0/64 f0/0 FE80::C003:8FF:FE2F:0 Day 6 Tasks Routing for Networks: As you can see in the Figure 14.5, the packet was sent by the client who broadcasted it on the network (Destination You can also see the message type “Boot Request (1).” Banner messages can be: Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 1ms, Average = 0ms C:\>ping This module maps to the following CCNA syllabus requirements: Duplex:full Switch#show errdisable recovery ErrDisable Reason Timer Status Building configuration... Switch(config)#vlan 3 Switch(config-vlan)#interface vlan3 Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 24/31/44 ms Port Status : Secure-up R1(config)#ip route 250 172.16.x.x network on either side of another network class. If the auto summary feature is enabled, routing issues are guaranteed. Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 3, Lost = 1 (25% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Secure Port MaxSecureAddr CurrentAddr SecurityViolation Security Action (Count) (Count) (Count) !!!!! Ease of adding and removing VLANs Switch-1(config-vlan)#name Example-VLAN-20 Switch-1(config-vlan)#exit The address field indicates the IP address of the NTP server as confirmed by the value specified under this field. The ref clock field indicates the reference clock used by that NTP server. In this case, the IP address indicates that the device is using an internal clock ( subnet) as its reference time source. If this field contained another value, such as, for example, then that would be the IP address the server was using as its time reference.
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Exam Code: 300-710
Certification Provider: Cisco
Certification Exam Name:CCNP Security
Update Date: Feb 22,2025
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